Registration & Accommodation

Congress hotel is fully booked. Accommodation for new registrations will be confirmed only for alternative hotels.

Alternative Hotels Registration Fee Including Accommodation (Scientific Program Registration Fee is Included)
Congress Registration Fee
Including Accommodation
Spice Belek Hotel - 5* Ela Excellence Resort Belek - 5*
Single Room Double Room
Per Person
Triple Room
Per Person
Single Room Double Room
Per Person
Triple Room
Per Person
3 Nights Accommodation
Member of TOD
1.140,00 € 1.020,00 €   1.355,00 € 1.181,00 €  
4 Nights Accommodation
Member of TOD
1.380,00 € 1.220 €   1.670,00 € 1.438,00 €  
3 Nights Accommodation
Member of GençTOD
1.020,00 € 900,00 € 840,00 € 1.255,00 € 1.081,00 € 1.000,00 €
4 Nights Accommodation
Member of GençTOD
1.255,00 € 1.095,00 € 1.015,00 € 1.570,00 € 1.338,00 € 1.230,00 €
3 Nights Accommodation
Non-Member of TOD
1.250,00 € 1.130 €   1.455,00 € 1.281,00 €  
4 Nights Accommodation
Non-Member of TOD
1.490,00 € 1.330 €   1.770,00 € 1.538,00 €  
  • Triple Room reservations are available only for GençTOD members.
  • The scientific program of the congress is 3.5 days.
  • The GençTOD Event on 2 November 2024 is open to all participants.
  • Please contact the organization secretariat for the registration of accompanying persons who are not congress participants.
  • Above mentioned Congress registration fee includes;
    • Accommodation at selected alternative hotel (Spice Belek Hotel or Ela Excellence Resort) with all-inclusive hotel concept for 3 or 4 nights, depending on the day and date range to be selected in the registration form
    • Daily usage of congress hotel Susesi Luxury Resort between 08:30 – 18:30,
    • 3 or 4 days lunch at the main congress hotel Susesi Luxury Resort depending on the day and date range to be selected in the registration form,
    • Congress documents (name badge, participation certificate, similar documents to be prepared for the congress), access to enter scientific program sessions and stand areas,
    • Entrance to social program activities (after-dinner parties) at Susesi Luxury Resort Hotel.
  • The registration fees stated above do not include dinner at the main congress hotel, Susesi Luxury Resort Hotel.
  • We have 20 room quotas at Ela Excellence Hotel.
  • There will be shuttle transfers only from Spice Belek Hotel to the main congress hotel at certain times in the morning and evening and are included in the fee stated above. Transfer is not available from Ela Excellence Resort Belek hotel and the facility is a 350 mt. walking distance from the congress hotel.
  • VAT is not included. 20% VAT will be added to the congress registration fee and 10% VAT will be added to the accommodation fee. You can click “Registration Form” and view VAT included fees in the registration form.
  • If the government increases VAT rates, this increase will be reflected in the registration fees.
  • It is mandatory to wear a badge when entering congress activity areas.
Scientific Program Registration Fee (Accommodation is not included)
Scientific Program Registration Fee (Without Accommodation) - Member of GençTOD € 550,00
Scientific Program Registration Fee (Without Accommodation - Member of TOD € 650,00
Scientific Program Registration Fee (Without Accommodation - Non-Member of TOD € 750,00
  • The registration fees mentioned above are only the congress registration fee, and the accommodation fee is not included.
  • Includes 3.5 days of scientific program participation on 2-3-4-5 November 2024.
  • Hotel all-inclusive concept use is valid between 09:00-18:30 for external participants. Coffee breaks and lunch are included throughout the scientific meeting.
  • Hotel use is not included after 18:30.
  • Congress documents (name badge, participation certificate, similar documents to be prepared for the congress), access to scientific program sessions and stand areas, lunch, tea/coffee breaks are included in External Participation Fee without accommodation.
  • There will be a badge check when entering the congress center so participants, assistants, companions or company officials who are not registered with accommodation are required to register.
  • 20% VAT will be added to the above stated registration fees. If the government increases VAT rates, this increase will be reflected in the registration fees.
Registration Fee Including Accommodation (Scientific Program Registration Fee is Included) Congress hotel is fully booked. Accommodation for new registrations will be confirmed only for alternative hotels.
Congress Registration Fee
Including Accommodation
Early Registration Fee
Until 17 May 2024
Standard Registration Fee
18 May – 21 June 2024
Late Registration Fee
As of 22 June 2024
Susesi Luxury Resort Single Room Double Room
Per Person
Triple Room
Per Person
Single Room Double Room
Per Person
Single Room Double Room
Per Person
3 Nights Accommodation
Member of TOD
€ 836,00 € 586,00 - € 986,00 € 736,00 € 1.136,00 € 886,00
4 Nights Accommodation
Member of TOD
€ 1.036,00 € 706,00 - € 1.186,00 € 856,00 € 1.336,00 € 1.006,00
3 Nights Accommodation
Member of GençTOD
€ 720,00 € 470,00 € 420 🞹 € 870,00 € 620,00 € 1.020,00 € 770,00
4 Nights Accommodation
Member of GençTOD
€ 920,00 € 570,00 € 535 🞹 € 1.070,00 € 720,00 € 1.220,00 € 870,00
3 Nights Accommodation
Non-Member of TOD
€ 936,00 € 706,00 - € 1.086,00 € 856,00 € 1.236,00 € 1.006,00
4 Nights Accommodation
Non-Member of TOD
€ 1.136,00 € 811,00 - € 1.286,00 € 961,00 € 1.436,00 € 1.111,00

🞹 Triple Room reservations are available only for GençTOD members and limited to 20 rooms.

  • The scientific program of the congress is 3.5 days.
  • The GençTOD Event on 2 November 2024 is open to all participants.
  • Above mentioned Congress registration fee includes accommodation at Susesi Luxury Resort Hotel with all-inclusive hotel concept for 3 or 4 nights, depending on the day and date range to be selected in the registration form, congress documents (name badge, participation certificate, similar documents to be prepared for the congress), access to enter scientific program sessions, stand areas and all social program activities.
  • VAT is not included. 20% VAT will be added to the congress registration fee and 10% VAT will be added to the accommodation fee. You can click “Registration Form” and view VAT included fees in the registration form.
  • If the government increases VAT rates, this increase will be reflected in the registration fees.
  • It is mandatory to wear a badge when entering congress activity areas.
Course Fees
GençTOD Event – 02 November 2024
Dr. Kleber Meireles
Dr. Sercan Akyıldız
Dr. Ramadan Coşkun
Dr. S. Kutalmış Büyük
Pre-Congress Course – 02 November 2024
Student Fee

Dr. Alberto Canabez
€ 10,00
Pre-Congress Course – 02 November 2024
Doctor Fee

Dr. Alberto Canabez
€ 30,00
Post-Congress Course – 06 November 2024
Student Fee

Dr. Javier Lozano
Dr. Korkmaz Sayınsu
€ 20,00
Post-Congress Course – 06 November 2024
Doctor Fee

Dr. Javier Lozano
Dr. Korkmaz Sayınsu
€ 60,00
  • All participants who want to be register course programs are required to be registered in the congress with or without accommodation.
  • 20% VAT will be added to the course fees.
Accompanying Person Accommodation Fee
3 Nights Accommodation – Double Room Per Person € 450,00
4 Nights Accommodation – Double Room Per Person € 600,00
Gala Night (4 November 2024, Monday 21:30 – 23:30) € 50,00
  • 10% VAT will be added to the above-mentioned fees.
  • Accompanying Person Accommodation fee is only for non-orthodontist companion/guest.
Cancellation & Refund Policy
  • To request a cancellation, please contact Munera Event at
  • For congress registration cancellations made until May 05th, 2024, a 100% refund is applicable, cancellation requests made after this date will not be accepted.
  • No refunds will be issued for cancellations made after May 05th, 2024.
  • As of August 30, participant name changes are not possible.
  • All refunds will be made after the congress.

A 100% refund will be applicable for those who registered early and whose abstract results are not accepted.
The total fee can be paid by bank transfer or credit card.

Bank Account Details

Saytur Yayıncılık Organizasyon Turizm İç ve Dış Tic Ltd Şti
Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası – Urla Branch
TL Account IBAN No : TR36 0001 5001 5800 7325 6595 81
EURO Account IBAN No : TR21 0001 5001 5804 8023 8098 80

TOD 2024 2 November 2024 Saturday 3 November 2024 Sunday 4 November 2024 Monday 5 November 2024 Tuesday 6 November 2024 Wednesday
Scientific Content GençTOD
Open to all participants
Pre-Congress Course
TOD Congress TOD Congress TOD Congress Post-Congress Course
Social Program Karaoke Party   Gala Night
'Disco Night'
White Party