Pre-Congress Course

Speaker: Dr. Ravindra Nanda
Date: 02.11.2024 Saturday
Time: 13:00 – 18:30
Seat: Limited

Biomechanics Management of Malocclusions with conventional, TADs and Clear aligners

In recent years orthodontic conversation has been primarily on ‘sleep orthodontics’, maxillary expansion, artificial intelligence, FEM studies and efficacy of clear aligners. We should not forget that the majority of the orthodontic treatment modalities can not deliver predictable results without the application of biomechanics principles. This presentation will describe application of biomechanics in three treatment modalities. The similarities and differences in biomechanics application will be discussed with sequential treatment of patients with various malocclusions.

Short Bio

Dr. Ravindra Nanda is Professor Emeritus and former Head of Division of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut, Farmington, U.S.A. Currently, he is also Adjunct Professor at The ADA Forsyth Institute, Cambridge, MA.

He received his dental and orthodontic training first at the Kong Georges Medical College, Lucknow, India and then from Nymegen, The Netherlands and the University of Connecticut. He also received a Ph.D. from the University of Nymegen. Since 1972 he has been associated with the University of Connecticut in various academic roles including Chair of Orthodontics from 1991 to 2017.

He has authored with his colleagues more than 300 scientific papers. He is Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Orthodontics. He is also an associate editor of Journal of Clinical Orthodontics.

He is the Past President of North Atlantic Component of Angle Society. He is a Honorary Fellow of WFO and has given prestigious Mershon Lecture and Angle Heritage Award Lecture at AAO meetings and Sheldon Friel Lecture at EOS Congress. He has been recognized with various awards from numerous international orthodontic organizations including honorary memberships. He has worked extensively in the area of biomechanics, temporary anchorage devices and on improving orthodontic care. He is highly sought after speaker at national and international orthodontic organizations.

Dr. Nanda has authored ten textbooks. His recent book is Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Orthodontic Treatment (with Castroflorio, Garino and Ojima).