GençTOD Event

** GençTOD Event is free of charge and open to all congress participants.

Speaker: Dr. Sercan Akyalçın
Date: 02.11.2024 Saturday
Time: 13:00 - 13:45

Mastering the Standards in Case Finishing

Orthodontic malocclusions, specifically skeletal Class II and open bites present unique challenges for orthodontists to diagnose and treat efficiently. Many of these challenges relate to the vast diversity of the clinical presentation and complicating factors such as incisor position and torque, the need for transverse expansion, and vertical management of the case. In this seminar, the participants will be trained to diagnose and treat the cases with the “end-in-mind” approach. The course will focus on the case finishing from multiple aspects:

  1. How to achieve excellent case outcomes reflecting the board standards
  2. How to utilize the remaining growth and mechanotherapy to improve the facial esthetics
  3. Smile-design strategies and positioning the teeth accordingly
  4. How to be mindful of relapse and strategize the retention protocols accordingly

Speaker: Dr. Ramadan Coşkun
Date: 02.11.2024 Saturday
Time: 13:45 - 14:30

Is the Future of Orthodontics Completely Clear?

With the inclusion of 3D printers, scanners and high-capacity computer programs in orthodontic practice, the usual appliances have been replaced by technology-supported appliances. The most striking of the mechanics that have changed their face in response to patients' aesthetic treatment expectations are the clear aligners that we have started to use frequently in clinical practice. The biggest question that comes to mind in this process where we have reached micron precision production capacity is, of course, the direction of our future. Are clear aligners, with which we can plan every stage of treatment with predictability, sufficient and powerful enough to enable us to achieve all the results we have planned without the need for additional support, as claimed?

In this presentation, with case samples treated with clear aligners, we will try to answer in which direction our future will take us.

Speaker: Dr. Kleber Meireles
Date: 02.11.2024 Saturday
Time: 15:00 - 16:30

Orthodontic Biomechanics: Tips and Strategies for Faster Treatments and More Precise Finishing

The finishing phase of orthodontic treatment is pivotal, encompassing an array of strategies aimed at achieving optimal occlusion, functional integrity, and aesthetic excellence. During this critical juncture, it is imperative for the orthodontist to focus meticulously on nuances that significantly influence the outcome, distinguishing between exemplary case completion and an inability to attain the desired level of sophistication.

This presentation is designed to empower orthodontists by elucidating protocols and evaluative techniques in the manipulation of bends, torques and loops. The goal is to facilitate the mastery of case refinement, ensuring the highest standard of orthodontic excellence.

Speaker: Dr. S. Kutalmış Büyük
Date: 02.11.2024 Saturday
Time: 17:00 - 17:45

3D Printers and Clinical Applications in Orthodontics

Additive manufacturing or rapid prototyping, commonly known as 3D printing, enables precise and custom production by creating objects layer by layer from digital models. All orthodontic applications, from aesthetic orthodontic brackets and tubes to orthodontic models, from nasoalveolar molding appliances to directly orthodontic clear aligners, can be produced quickly and with high precision, without the need for long-term laboratory procedures with Dental 3D Printers used in orthodontics. In this presentation, 3D Printers used in orthodontics and the workflow in clinical practice will be explained with the help of current literature.